
New report in Western Australia says Catholic Church must do more to help abuse victims

Western Australia Reports Catholic Silence

Title: New report in Western Australia says Catholic Church must do more to help abuse victims

Author: Crux Staff

Publisher: Crux

Date: 16AUG2024


A Western Australia parliamentary committee gave its final report after examining the support available to survivors of institutional child abuse, saying the Catholic Church and other religious entities had put their own institutional and financial wellbeing over the needs of victims.

“Institutions that maintain an unholy wall of silence can only be doing so as a strategy to limit their financial liability rather than providing just outcomes for victim/survivors,” the committee said in its report.

Specifically mentioning the Christian Brothers, the report accused the Catholic religious group of trying to hide information on the abuse of children under their care to protect their financial viability.

“It is the conspiracy of secrecy and institutional denial around abuse that not only adds to the trauma suffered by those who were abused but also obstructs their path to justice,” committee member Christine Tonkin told state parliament on Thursday.

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