Tag: welfare of children

Kieran Tapsell

Pope Francis finally makes bishops accountable for cover-ups

Kieran Tapsell Vademecum Analysis Title: Pope Francis finally makes bishops accountable for cover-ups Author: Kieran Tapsell Publisher: John Menadue-Pearls and Irritations Date:  24JUL2020 On 16 July 2020, the Vatican published a manual for dealing with allegations of child sexual abuse against Church personnel. It marks a significant change in culture expressed in canon law for

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Opinion: Kieran Tapsell responds to release of Vatican “vademecum” or handbook in dealing with clerical abuse allegations.

Kieran Tapsell Vatican Vademecum Title: Opinion: Kieran Tapsell responds to release of Vatican “vademecum” or handbook in dealing with clerical abuse allegations. Author: Kieran Tapsell Publisher: Pontifical Secret website. Date: 18JUL2020 Kieran Tapsell It is true that Pope Francis has not made reporting to the civil authorities mandatory under canon law. The problem with his

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