Tag: “Vos estis lux mundi” (7 May 2019)


Church in Argentina is making a ‘change in mentality’ on clerical sexual abuse

Argentina Clerical Sexual Abuse Title: Church in Argentina is making a ‘change in mentality’ on clerical sexual abuse Author: Ines San Martin Publisher: Crux Date: 30JUL2020 ROSARIO, Argentina – Two major archdioceses in Argentina are facing allegations of wanting to “replace the state” by creating a commission to receive allegations of clerical sexual abuse, but one

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Eradicating the McCarrick Virus

Eradicating the McCarrick Virus Title: Eradicating the McCarrick Virus Author: The Editors Publisher: National Catholic Register Date: 24JUL2020 EDITORIAL: Two years after the former cardinal’s sexual predilections were revealed, the Vatican still hasn’t released its report. It has now been two years since Pope Francis accepted Theodore McCarrick’s resignation from the College of Cardinals, shortly after

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Kieran Tapsell

Pope Francis finally makes bishops accountable for cover-ups

Kieran Tapsell Vademecum Analysis Title: Pope Francis finally makes bishops accountable for cover-ups Author: Kieran Tapsell Publisher: John Menadue-Pearls and Irritations Date:  24JUL2020 On 16 July 2020, the Vatican published a manual for dealing with allegations of child sexual abuse against Church personnel. It marks a significant change in culture expressed in canon law for

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Archbishop Morandi: “A manual to explain how to act when abuse is reported”

Archbishop Giacomo Morandi Vademecum Title: Archbishop Morandi: “A manual to explain how to act when abuse is reported” Author: Andrea Tornielli Publisher: Vatican News Date: 16JUL2020 The Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith explains how a new guide for reports of abuse will help Bishops and Religious Superiors. Archbishop Morandi says the

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Vatican pushes for uniform approach in handling clerical abuse

Vatican Handbook Clergy Abuse Title: Vatican pushes for uniform approach in handling clerical abuse Author: Elise Ann Allen Publisher: Crux Date:  16JUL2020 ROME – In a bid to universalize the Catholic Church’s approach to handling clerical abuse cases, the Vatican Thursday issued a new handbook outlining the procedures to follow when an ordained minister is accused

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Polish Church faces reckoning over sex abuse

Polish Church Abuse Reckoning Title: Polish Church faces reckoning over sex abuse Author: Anna Maria Jakubek                  {Agence-France Press (AFP)} Publisher:  Yahoo News via AFP Date: 08JUL2020 Jakub Pankowiak’s story of sexual abuse by a priest is part of a documentary called “Hide and Seek”. Jakub Pankowiak’s story of

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Church should empower victims to disclose abuse

Charles Scicluna Pontifical Secret Title: Church should empower victims to disclose abuse Author: Juliet Palmer Publisher: CathNews NZ Pacific Date:  06JUL2020 The Catholic Church needs to empower victims of clerical abuse to disclose their predicament, says Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna. It’s been more than a year since Pope Francis published “Vos Est Lux Mundi (You

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Primate of Poland: Church must rebuild trust amid abuse crisis

Trust Poland Clergy Abuse Title: Primate of Poland: Church must rebuild trust amid abuse crisis Author: CNA Staff Publisher: Catholic News Agency (CNA) Date: 06JUL2020 CNA Staff, Jul 6, 2020 / 09:00 am MT (CNA).- The Catholic Church can only rebuild trust in its handling of clerical abuse by “taking responsibility for clarifying all crimes and

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