Tag: Vatican

Pontifical Secret Favicon

Institutional Integrity Interview + Gulag Dispatch Compendium

Mark White Institutional Integrity Title: Institutional Integrity Interview + Gulag Dispatch Compendium Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White Blog Date: 28AUG2020 Dispatches from the Ecclesiastical Gulag #1 attempts to make sense of my “offenses” under Church law (May 15, 2020) #2 considers the Roman tribunal that will consider the case and asks for

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Is Archbishop Viganò’s Rejection of the Second Vatican Council Promoting Schism?

Archbishop Viganò Promoting Schism? Title: Is Archbishop Viganò’s Rejection of the Second Vatican Council Promoting Schism? Author: Father Raymond J. de Souza Publisher: National Catholic Register Date: 28AUG2020 COMMENTARY: In his latest ‘testimony,’ the former nuncio holds a position contrary to the Catholic faith on the authority of ecumenical councils. Two years after his incendiary

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Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver covered up systemic abuse, silenced survivors for decades, lawsuit claims

Archdiocese of Vancouver Abuse Title: Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver covered up systemic abuse, silenced survivors for decades, lawsuit claims Author: Rhianna Schmunk Publisher: CBC News Date: 28AUG2020 Archdiocese hopes ‘publicity’ will help give survivors ‘confidence to come forward; get the help they deserve’ A woman who claims she was assaulted as a child at a

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The Altar Boys

The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry

Altar Boys Clergy Abuse Title: The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry Author: Kathleen McPhillips Publisher: The Conversation Date: 28AUG2020 Investigative journalist Suzie Smith’s new book The Altar Boys is a searing read that raises new questions about the suicides of three former victims of Catholic clergy

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The Altar Boys

Vatican told whistleblower priest to be a hostile witness: friend

Vatican Walsh Whistleblower Priest Title: Vatican told whistleblower priest to be a hostile witness: friend Author: Harriet Alexander Publisher: Brisbane Times Date: 28AUG2020 Whistleblower priest Father Glen Walsh told his next-door neighbour that the Vatican had instructed him to be a hostile witness when he was called to testify against an Archbishop accused of concealing

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Strengthened clerical abuse guidelines welcome, but much still to be done

Strengthened clerical abuse guidelines Title: Strengthened clerical abuse guidelines welcome, but much still to be done Author: Paula Jefferson Publisher: The Irish News Date: 27AUG2020 The Vatican, under the direct intervention of Pope Francis, has strengthened its guidance to bishops on how the Catholic Church should combat clerical abuse of minors and vulnerable adults. Paula

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MY WORD: The bishop is missing a chance for a lesson of love

Mark White Bishop Abuse Title: MY WORD: The bishop is missing a chance for a lesson of love Author: Judy Rogers Publisher: Martinsville Bulletin Date: 26AUG2020 I have been very concerned about this entire situation involving Father Mark White. Why is a loved and respected priest who faithfully served two small parishes in southwest Virginia

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O.C.’s bishop, a $12-million problem and a secret fight stretching to the Vatican

Bishop Vann You’re fired Title: O.C.’s bishop, a $12-million problem and a secret fight stretching to the Vatican Author: Harriet Ryan Publisher: Los Angeles Times Date: 26AUG2020 The FedEx envelopes landed at dawn on the doorsteps of some of Orange County’s most influential Catholic philanthropists — real estate developers, attorneys, CEOs and other church stalwarts

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Child Sexual Abuse

New lawsuit says current pastor is a child molester

Fr. Alex Anderson ALERT! Title: New lawsuit says current pastor is a child molester Author: David Clohessy Publisher: Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), Date: 24AUG2020 New lawsuit says current pastor is a child molester As a young boy, victim wrote top church official about him Cleric has been publicly accused of abuse

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