Tag: Vatican

Pope Francis abolishes pontifical
Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church Podcast

Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church

Podcast: Crisis Episode 1 Title: Crisis Episode 1: 2018 Show Notes Podcast: Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church Host: Karna Lozoya Publisher: The Catholic Project Date: 09SEP2020 2018 A whirlwind summer: What happened? Revelations about Cardinal McCarrick, the Pennsylvania grand jury report, accusations from a Vatican diplomat, and the perceived tensions between the Holy

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Ex-Cardinal McCarrick had 2nd beach house linked to mysterious debt and unusual history

Theodore McCarrick Crine Uszenski Title: Ex-Cardinal McCarrick had 2nd beach house linked to mysterious debt and unusual history Authors: Abbott Koloff and Deena Yellin Publisher: NorthJersey.com Date: 08SEP2020 Even as Vatican officials pressured former Newark Archbishop Theodore McCarrick to sell a Sea Girt home in the late 1990s after allegations that he sexually harassed seminarians on overnight

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The Altar Boys

Father Glen Walsh paid a heavy price

RIP Father Glen Walsh Title: Father Glen Walsh paid a heavy price Author: Chris Geraghty Publisher: John Menadue – Pearls and Irritations Date: 09SEP2020 The revelations never end about priests and brothers, of monsignors and bishops with their secret sexual lives, masturbating, buggerizing, sodomizing and raping boys and girls – protected by an amoral hierarchy

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White McCarrick Book Draft

White McCarrick Book Draft Title: First Part of Chapter 1 Draft Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White Blog Date: 08SEP2020 Ordained by a Predator, Chapter 1 “Summer 2018” “Cardinal McCarrick has been credibly accused!” David the summer seminarian stood at my office door, upset. “Really?” That morning we had sat on the front

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Bishop-elect of Duluth resigns following sexual abuse allegation

Michel Mulloy Child Abuse Title: Bishop-elect of Duluth resigns following sexual abuse allegation Author: Gerard O’Connell Publisher: America Magazine (America Media) Date: 07SEP2020 Pope Francis has today accepted the resignation of Michel Mulloy, the bishop elect of Duluth following an allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor and a subsequent investigation. The Vatican announced

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The Altar Boys

Whistle-blower priest told neighbour that Vatican told him to be a hostile witness

Vatican Walsh Hostile Witness Title: Whistle-blower priest told neighbour that Vatican told him to be a hostile witness Publisher: O’Brien Solicitors Date: 06 SEP2020 Days before his death, a whistle-blower priest told his neighbour that the Vatican had instructed him to be a hostile witness. The priest was to be called upon to testify against

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Message for Parishioners

Father Mark Message Parishioners Title: Message for Parishioners Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White Blog Date: 06SEP2020 Happy Labor-Day weekend. We say goodbye to summer and try to get back to normal—or at least as normal as we can, with these masks, and everything that goes with them. Over two months ago, I

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Fr Frank’s Homily – 6 September 2020

Brennan Will Break Law Title: Fr Frank’s Homily – 6 September 2020 Author: Fr Frank Brennan SJ Publisher: Catholic Outlook Date: 06SEP2020 Today is Father’s Day. We salute all fathers, living and deceased. Even the best of fathers acknowledge that no father is perfect. Today we thank God for those of our fathers who embody

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Vatican tells Australian Church that seal of confession not up for debate

Seal Confession Abuse GreenLight Title: Vatican tells Australian Church that seal of confession not up for debate Author: Charles Collins Publisher: Crux Date: 05SEP2020 Although reaffirming the principle that the seal of confession can never be violated, the Vatican has told Church leaders in Australia that victims of sexual abuse should be encouraged to report

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