Tag: Vatican


Church’s legal defence ‘dismantled’ after sex abuse pay-off thrown out

Church’s legal defence ‘dismantled’ Title: Church’s legal defence ‘dismantled’ after sex abuse pay-off thrown out Author: Tom Cowie Publisher: The Age Date: 01OCT2020 A victim of sexual abuse who signed away his rights to sue the Catholic Church has had the settlement overturned in a landmark Supreme Court judgment, paving the way for hundreds of

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical
Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church Podcast

Crisis Episode 4: Survivors’ Voices

Podcast: Crisis Episode 4 Title: Crisis Episode 4: Survivors’ Voices Podcast: Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church Host: Karna Lozoya Publisher: The Catholic Project Date: 30SEP2020 When the crisis of 2018 hit, many men and women were already dealing with trauma from their own experiences of abuse. James Grein and Teresa Pitt Green share their

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George Pell

Why is Australia’s Cardinal Pell returning to Rome?

Vatican Pall of Pell Title: Why is Australia’s Cardinal Pell returning to Rome? Author: Gerard O’Connell Publisher: America Media Date: 29SEP2020 Cardinal George Pell returns to the Vatican on Sept. 30 and is likely to remain there at least until June 8, when he turns 80. His long-term plan, however, is to return to Sydney,

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical
George Pell

George Pell: Cardinal to return to Rome for first time since acquittal

George Pell Vatican Return Title: George Pell: Cardinal to return to Rome for first time since acquittal Publisher: BBC Date: 29SEP2020 Cardinal George Pell will return to Rome this week for the first time since he was acquitted of child sexual abuse and released from prison in Australia. The ex-Vatican treasurer, 79, was due to

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George Pell

Up-close account of Pell’s historic trial raises an uncomfortable question

George Pell Uncomfortable Question Title: Up-close account of Pell’s historic trial raises an uncomfortable question Author: Joshua J. McElwee Publisher: National Catholic Reporter Date: 28SEP2020 Throughout the unprecedented three-year saga of the arrest, conviction and ultimate acquittal of Australian Cardinal George Pell, there was no dearth of commentary on the case. Almost every single word

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Second Part of Chapter II Draft

Ordained By Theodore McCarrick Title: Second Part of Chapter II Draft Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White Blog Date: 26SEP2020 Ordained by a Predator, Chapter II, “What I Think Happened with McCarrick,” part 2. [Part 1 of Chapter II is here.; Chapter I is here.] Some of McCarrick’s victims had complained. McCarrick’s successor

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Book about the Crisis, Reviewed for Profiles in Catholicism

Mark White McCarrick Formicola Title: Book about the Crisis, Reviewed for Profiles in Catholicism Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White Blog Date: 26SEP2020 The on-line/print publication asked me to review  Papal Policies on Clerical Sexual Abuse: God Weepsby Jo Renee Formicola. They also published my review of the book on their “Clerical Sexual

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Britain’s reckoning with past systemic child abuse is long overdue

Britain’s Child Abuse Reckoning Title: Britain’s reckoning with past systemic child abuse is long overdue Author: Caelainn Hogan Publisher: The Guardian Date: 26SEP2020 Ireland has started trying to rectify the wrongs of its history. The UK is lagging behind. When the pope said mass in Ireland in 2018, a vast field in Dublin’s Phoenix Park

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Pontifical Secret Favicon

Former President of Ireland says some of Church teaching is “long past its sell-by date”

Mary McAleese Canon Law Title: Former President of Ireland says some of Church teaching is “long past its sell-by date” Author: Irish Central Staff Publisher: Irish Central Date: 25SEP2020 Mary McAleese, a self-described “woman of faith,” is critical of some aspects of the Catholic Church Mary McAleese, who served as the President of Ireland between

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