Tag: suicides


Sins of the fathers: Ireland’s sex abuse survivors

Ireland’s Clergy Abuse Survivors Title: Sins of the fathers: Ireland’s sex abuse survivors Author: Euronews Staff Publisher: Euronews Date: 27NOV2020 Revelations of sexual abuse inside the Catholic church shook Ireland to its core. Unreported Europe speaks to those who survived the paedophile priests and examines if the church has truly taken responsibility for the scandal.

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

Holy See response to Child Sexual Abuse Royal Commission: another example of clericalist obstinance

Holy See clericalist obstinance Title: Holy See response to Child Sexual Abuse Royal Commission: another example of clericalist obstinance Author: Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson Publisher: John Menadue – Pearls and Irritations Date: 10SEP2020 It is almost three years since the Royal Commission inquiring into child sexual abuse recommended that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

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The Altar Boys

Recording: Truth-telling with Suzanne Smith and David Marr

Truth Smith Marr Oxley Title: Recording: Truth-telling with Suzanne Smith and David Marr Byline: Laura Oxley, External Communication Officer, Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion Publisher: UTS Date: 01SEP2020 “Children with everything to live for. A community betrayed. A whistleblower priest who paid the ultimate price.” The Altar Boys is the debut book by multi-award winning

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The Altar Boys

The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry

Altar Boys Clergy Abuse Title: The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry Author: Kathleen McPhillips Publisher: The Conversation Date: 28AUG2020 Investigative journalist Suzie Smith’s new book The Altar Boys is a searing read that raises new questions about the suicides of three former victims of Catholic clergy

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George Pell

‘Why didn’t he help those little boys?’: how George Pell failed the children of Ballarat

Pell Survivors Demand Laicization Title: ‘Why didn’t he help those little boys?’: how George Pell failed the children of Ballarat Author: Melissa Davey Publisher: The Guardian Date: 08MAY2020 The cardinal maintains he didn’t know about the Victorian town’s notorious paedophile priests, a claim the royal commission found ‘implausible’ “Why isn’t all of Australia talking about what

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Please release the FULL Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Report

Blake Curran Christian Porter Title: Please release the FULL Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Report Author: Blake Curran and victims and survivors of Catholic Clergy child sexual abuse Publisher: YouTube Date: 11APR2020 Victims, survivors and family members implore Australian Attorney General, Christian Porter, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison to release the

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