Tag: protect minors


Pope Francis names Juan Carlos Cruz, prominent abuse survivor and whistleblower, to Vatican panel

Juan Carlos Cruz Vatican Title: Pope Francis names Juan Carlos Cruz, prominent abuse survivor and whistleblower, to Vatican panel Author: Gerard O’Connell Publisher: America Magazine Date: 24MAR2021 In a highly significant decision, Pope Francis has appointed Juan Carlos Cruz—a well-known Chilean victim of abuse, international advocate for survivors of clerical abuse and a gay man—as

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The Pope has decided. Bishop Edward Janiak removed from directing the Kalisz diocese

Pope removed Janiak Kalisz Title: The Pope has decided. Bishop Edward Janiak removed from directing the Kalisz diocese Author: TVN24 staff Publisher: TVN24 Date: 25JUN2020 Pope Francis appointed the apostolic administrator sede plena for the diocese of Kalisz. According to the Vatican press office, it was Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś, Archbishop of Lodz. The apostolic administrator, sede

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