Tag: McCarrick


A ‘time of crisis’ for Poland’s Catholic Church

Poland Catholic Church Crisis Title: A ‘time of crisis’ for Poland’s Catholic Church Author: Donald Snyder Publisher: National Catholic Reporter Date:  15JAN2021 It was a gloomy forecast for the Polish Catholic Church. “I say it’s a dark night for the church,” said Zbigniew Nosowski, one of Poland’s prominent intellectuals. “It is a difficult time of

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Seattle archbishop is stonewalling push for more transparency of church sex-abuse cases, group contends

Archbishop Paul Etienne Stonewalling Title: Seattle archbishop is stonewalling push for more transparency of church sex-abuse cases, group contends Author: Lewis Kamb Publisher: Seattle Times Date: 02JAN2021 Their ranks include ex-federal prosecutors, a retired judge, a one-time assistant police chief, even a former priest. But a group of prominent Catholics say they still can’t get

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McCarrick report shows a church infected with unchecked clericalism

McCarrick Report Sick Church Title: McCarrick report shows a church infected with unchecked clericalism Author: Lisa Fullam Publisher: National Catholic Reporter Date: 29DEC2020 The Vatican’s report on defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick revealed sexual abuse of adults and minors by a Catholic cleric and its cover-up by church officials — more of the same pattern we’ve

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Inter-American Human Rights Commission to look into clerical sexual abuse

Inter-American Human Rights Title: Inter-American Human Rights Commission to look into clerical sexual abuse Author: Ines San Martin Publisher: Crux Date: 08DEC2020 ROSARIO, Argentina – For the first time in its history, the Inter-American Human Rights Commission promised to defend victims of clerical sexual abuse, with cases being reported in at least 19 countries in

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

McCarrick report shows former cardinal’s character: ambitious, brazen, untouchable

Ambitious Brazen Untouchable McCarrick Title: McCarrick report shows former cardinal’s character: ambitious, brazen, untouchable Author: Fr. Peter Daly Publisher: National Catholic Reporter Date: 08DEC2020 Seventeen! That’s the most shocking number in the Vatican’s 449-page report on ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. McCarrick appears to have molested 17 “postpubescent boys or young men” over the course of his

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

Opinion: Archdiocese must be held accountable for priest abuse

Geoff Drew Theodore McCarrick Title: Opinion: Archdiocese must be held accountable for priest abuse Author: TERESA DINWIDDIE-HERRMANN, JAN SEIDEL, DAN FRONDORF AND KATHY WEYER Publisher: Cincinnati.com (Enquirer) Date: 06DEC2020 After a two-year investigation, the Vatican recently released a 450-plus-page report about now-defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and how the Catholic Church hierarchy failed to stop his

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Time for a reckoning: Church must confront, change old boys’ network exposed in Vatican’s McCarrick report | Faith Matters

McCarrick Report Reckoning Santora Title: Time for a reckoning: Church must confront, change old boys’ network exposed in Vatican’s McCarrick report | Faith Matters Author: Rev. Alexander Santora Publisher: NJ.Com (The Jersey Journal) Date: 06DEC2020 The report refers to her simply as “Mother 1.” A Manhattan woman with a large brood of mostly boys and

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

The U.K. is reckoning with a clerical sex abuse crisis. Again.

United Kingdom Clerical Abuse Title: The U.K. is reckoning with a clerical sex abuse crisis. Again. Author: Ricardo da Silva, S.J. Publisher: America Magazine Date: 03DEC2020 Editor’s note: This article contains descriptions of child sexual abuse and trauma.On the night before her confirmation, Sue Cox was sexually abused by a Catholic priest at a convent

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Sins of the fathers: Ireland’s sex abuse survivors

Ireland’s Clergy Abuse Survivors Title: Sins of the fathers: Ireland’s sex abuse survivors Author: Euronews Staff Publisher: Euronews Date: 27NOV2020 Revelations of sexual abuse inside the Catholic church shook Ireland to its core. Unreported Europe speaks to those who survived the paedophile priests and examines if the church has truly taken responsibility for the scandal.

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