Tag: Kenya


Defrocked US priest revered in East Timor accused of abuse

East Timor Richard Daschbach Title: Defrocked US priest revered in East Timor accused of abuse Authors:  Margie Mason & Robin McDowell Contributor: Raimundos Oki Publisher: Associated Press Date:  08APR2021 It was the same every night. A list of names was posted on the Rev. Richard Daschbach’s bedroom door. The child at the top of the roster

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Priest urges Vatican to intervene as fresh sexual misconduct allegations emerge from the Diocese of Broome

Diocese Broome Vatican Scandal Title: Priest urges Vatican to intervene as fresh sexual misconduct allegations emerge from the Diocese of Broome Author: Erin Parke Publisher: ABC Kimberley Date: 09NOV2020 A second priest has broken ranks with the Catholic Church, going public with concerns about what he has described as the “abysmal and extremely unjust” Vatican response

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