Tag: Gerald Ridsdale

Child Abuse Royal Commission

George Pell: cardinal was aware of children being sexually abused, royal commission report finds

Pell Guardian Melissa Davey Title: George Pell: cardinal was aware of children being sexually abused, royal commission report finds Author: Melissa Davey Publisher: The Guardian Date: 07MAY2020 Previously redacted findings from the commission’s report into Pell’s handling of child sexual abuse claims have now been made public Cardinal George Pell was aware of children being sexually

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Pell-mell and reform paths in Catholic media

Menadue Pell Plenary Council Title: Pell-mell and reform paths in Catholic media Author: Peter Donnan Publisher: John Menadue Pearls and Irritations blog Date: 04MAY2020 What type of underlying values were revealed by the Australian media, particularly Catholic media, in their reporting of Cardinal Pell’s successful appeal to the High Court? Clearly the case was polarising

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George Pell

Royal commission findings about Cardinal George Pell could be made public. Here’s what we know

ABCNews Sarah Farnsworth Pell Title: Royal commission findings about Cardinal George Pell could be made public. Here’s what we know Author: Sarah Farnsworth Publisher: ABC News Date: 30APR2020 For years, questions have been asked about what Cardinal George Pell might have known about clerical abuse during his long career within the Catholic Church. Giving evidence

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Please release the FULL Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Report

Blake Curran Christian Porter Title: Please release the FULL Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Report Author: Blake Curran and victims and survivors of Catholic Clergy child sexual abuse Publisher: YouTube Date: 11APR2020 Victims, survivors and family members implore Australian Attorney General, Christian Porter, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison to release the

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Convicted paedophile Bernard McGrath abused dozens of children. The Catholic Church failed to report his offending

Ferguson RevelationABC Pontifical Secret Title: Convicted paedophile Bernard McGrath abused dozens of children. The Catholic Church failed to report his offending Author: Sarah Ferguson Publisher: ABC News Date: 23MAR2020 Former brother of St John of God, Bernard McGrath, will be eligible for parole in December 2044. McGrath, who is serving two prison sentences in NSW

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

Church leaders protected this criminal priest, Father Gerard Mulvale, resulting in a victim’s suicide

Title: Church leaders protected this criminal priest, Father Gerard Mulvale, resulting in a victim’s suicide Author: Broken Rites Researcher Publisher: Broken Rites Australia website: brokenrites.org.au Accessed website: 27FEB2020 The Catholic Church harboured a paedophile priest (Gerard Mulvale) in a Melbourne parish, enabling him to sexually target the parish’s youth group. This church-abuse (and the church’s

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Study identifies 16 child sex abuse rings in Victorian Catholic Church

Muytjens Clergy Dark Networks  Title: Study identifies 16 child sex abuse rings in Victorian Catholic Church Author: Debbie Cuthbertson  Publisher: The Age  Date: 23FEB2020   A three-year research project into paedophile Catholic clerics in Victoria has identified 16 child sex abuse networks operating over six decades involving 99 priests and Christian Brothers.The investigation found that

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Child Sexual Abuse

An exploration of the existence of clergy child sexual abuse dark networks within the Victorian Catholic Church

Author: Sally Muytjens Publication: Queensland University of Technology Date: 2019 Abstract Literature, inquiries and media reports show that the occurrence of Catholic clergy child sexual abuse is a global phenomenon and an established fact (Webber and Babwin 2014; Doyle 2006; Cahill and Wilkinson 2017, 95). Catholic clergy child sexual abuse networks have been acknowledged informally

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