Tag: cover-ups

The Altar Boys

What are you planning to say?’ Pope quizzed whistleblower priest, book claims

Pope quizzed whistleblower priest Title: ‘What are you planning to say?’ Pope quizzed whistleblower priest, book claims Author: Harriet Alexander Publisher: The Sydney Morning Herald Date:  20AUG2020 A low-ranking parish priest who agreed to give evidence against an archbishop accused of concealing child sexual abuse was mysteriously summoned to the Vatican before he was due

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Former altar boy alleges sexual misconduct by McCarrick in lawsuit

Theodore McCarrick Altar Boys Title: Former altar boy alleges sexual misconduct by McCarrick in lawsuit Author: Ted Sherman Publisher: NJ Advance Media Date: 17AUG2020 Geoffrey Downs walked away from the Catholic Church nearly 40 years ago. He never told anyone about what led to that split. Now he says he wants everyone to know. In

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Explainer: What the church has done to fight clergy sex abuse since 2018’s ‘summer of shame’

Dulle Clergy Sex Abuse Title: Explainer: What the church has done to fight clergy sex abuse since 2018’s ‘summer of shame’ Author: Colleen Dulle Publisher: America Magazine Date: 14AUG2020 It has been two years since the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was published on Aug. 14, 2018, documenting in at times disturbing detail at least 1,000 cases of

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Child Sexual Abuse

Victims question Kamala Harris’ record on clergy abuse

Victims Question Kamala Harris Title: Victims question Kamala Harris’ record on clergy abuse Author: Michael Rezendes Publisher: The Associated Press (AP) Date: 27JUN2019 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Joey Piscitelli was angry when Kamala Harris emerged as a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. It brought back the frustration he felt in the 2000s, when he was

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McCarrick Articles

Uncle Ted McCarrick Articles Title: McCarrick Articles Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White Blog Date: 12AUG2020 Conscientious people recognize that the Church in the United States cannot live Her life in any kind of healthy manner without coming clean regarding the decades-long McCarrick Cover-up. Catholics and non-Catholics alike realize this. Conservative Catholics and

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Child Sexual Abuse

Silenced priest warns of gay crisis

Priest Silenced Church Crisis Title: Silenced priest warns of gay crisis Author: Julia Duin Publisher: The Washington Times [Arlington VA] Date: 15NOV2004 Starting today, 290 of the nation’s Catholic bishops will meet at the Capitol Hyatt for their yearly business meeting and to tie up loose ends on the massive sexual-abuse crisis that has shaken

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Questions of abuse cover-up directed at incoming St. Louis archbishop, but details unclear

Archbishop Rozanski Cover Up? Title: Questions of abuse cover-up directed at incoming St. Louis archbishop, but details unclear Author: Kevin Jones Publisher: Catholic News Agency Date: 07AUG2020 Denver Newsroom, Aug 7, 2020 / 05:21 pm MT (CNA).- Archbishop-designate Mitchell Rozanski is set to take over the Archdiocese of St. Louis, after heading the Diocese of

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Lay group urges Pittsburgh Diocese to do more to restore broken trust

Pittsburgh Diocese Broken Trust Title: Lay group urges Pittsburgh Diocese to do more to restore broken trust Author: Madeleine Davison Publisher: National Catholic Reporter Date: 07AUG2020 The Pittsburgh Diocese is reeling from declining attendance and a massive restructuring program two years after a 2018 Pennsylvania grand jury report uncovered widespread clerical sexual abuse in six

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The One Who Sees Us Through Disaster

Happy Transfiguration Day McCarrick Title: The One Who Sees Us Through Disaster Author: Father Mark White Publisher: Father Mark White blog, Date: 06AUG2020 Happy Transfiguration Day. This coming Sunday, at Holy Mass we will read… The boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly

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Magazine report is aimed at silencing nuns on sex abuse, says Vatican critic

Silence Nuns Sex Abuse Title: Magazine report is aimed at silencing nuns on sex abuse, says Vatican critic Author: Claire Giangrave Publisher: Religion News Service (RNS) Date:  05AUG2020 VATICAN CITY (RNS) – An article in a Jesuit magazine describing alleged exploitation of nuns in Catholic convents has been criticized as an attempt to silence members of women’s religious

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