Tag: 17MAR2020


Convicted paedophile Vincent Ryan confessed to a priest — then he continued abusing children

ABCNews Revelation Sarah Ferguson Title: Convicted paedophile Vincent Ryan confessed to a priest — then he continued abusing children Author:  Sarah Ferguson Publisher: ABC News Date: 17MAR2020 Vincent Ryan is a Catholic priest and a paedophile, convicted of sexually abusing more than 30 children. In Australia’s first television interview with a convicted clerical sex abuser,

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

“Beyond the pale….”

Beyond the Pale Revelation Title: “Beyond the pale….” Author: David Knox Publisher: TV Tonight Date: 10MAR2020 Warning: Some parts of story may be distressing EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Ferguson is keeping Episode 3 of Revelation under wraps from media for good reason. In a series that will most surely shock viewers, the final chapter includes a bombshell of an

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

ABC journalist Sarah Ferguson on making Revelation and coming face to face with two of the Catholic church’s worst serial paedophiles

Revelation Sarah Ferguson ABC Title: ABC journalist Sarah Ferguson on making Revelation and coming face to face with two of the Catholic church’s worst serial paedophiles Author: Natasha Johnson Publisher: ABC Date: 01MAR2020 YOUTUBE: Revelation is a ground-breaking documentary featuring interviews with a convicted paedophile priest and religious brother, survivors of clergy abuse and senior figures

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