Please forward this petition to your colleagues and friends.
Judy Courtin Legal represents victims/survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.
We are reaching out on behalf of thousands of victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in Australia. We have all been shocked by the recent decision of the High Court of Australia in Bishop Paul Bird and DP [2024] HCA 41 case. The High Court ruled that institutions cannot be held liable for the sex crimes of their members because the offending priest or member of the religious order is not technically employed.
This decision stands in stark contrast with the liability that is placed on schools and organisations when their employees are found guilty of similar offences. This disparity leaves a large percentage of victims of sexual abuse without legal recourse against the institutions in which the sexual assaults happened.
This decision not only strips victims of fair justice, it also potentially allows institutions to shirk their responsibilities to protect the vulnerable in their care. It paves the way for less accountability and the cruel re-traumatisation and marginalisation of victims and survivors.
The church’s assets are more important than the victims/survivors of hideous child sex crimes committed in the institution.
We cannot and will not let this stand.
This highly consequential retrograde decision of the High Court means victims and their families must once again find the courage to fight for reforms.
Advocates must also dust off their placards and hit the campaign trail again.
And so, we have come full circle.
The High Court has invited us to address this issue through the legislature.
We now put our Attorneys General around Australia on notice.
This decision impacts the whole of the country.
We urge members of our community to not only sign this petition but to also write to the Attorney General in your state or territory to URGENTLY introduce retrospective legislation to right this terrible wrong.
The longer this new legislation takes, the more victims/survivors suffer.
Please go to Judy Courtin Legal Website for the names and email addresses of the Attorneys-General for each state and territory in Australia.
There is also a pro forma letter you can use if you wish. Just add the name of the Attorney General in your State or Territory, the date, your name and address.
Thank you so much. Together, we can make justice prevail.
Judy Courtin