John Paddack Cardinal Dolan
Title: “In Bad Faith” Fault Lines; Puts the Pressure on Cardinal Dolan and NY Abuser Msgr. John Paddack; Honors Survivors’ Stories
Author: Trusha Goffe
Publisher: Jeff Anderson & Associates
Date: 31OCT2019
On October 23, Aljazeera English released In Bad Faith: Child Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church (posted below). Part of their Fault Lines series, it is an unflinching investigation into survivors and perpetrators of Catholic clergy sex abuse in the Archdiocese of New York. This is an important piece of journalism for the child protection movement, told with the compassion, the scrutiny, and the urgency the Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis requires.
Journalist Natasha Del Toro lays the foundation for the piece with the harrowing stories of sexual abuse survivors of Msgr. John Paddack, who summoned the courage to share their truth (both publicly and anonymously) in the hopes that Archdiocesan leaders – specifically Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York – will come clean, and that Paddack will be held accountable and removed from any position in the Church where he has access to children.
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