Joanne McCarthy Pontifical Secret
Title: Joanne McCarthy steps out of the newsroom after a 40-year career as one of Australia’s premier journalists
Author: Joanne McCarthy
Publisher: Newcastle Herald
Date: 04APR2020
A FEW years ago I lined up with a good friend to run the Six Foot Track marathon in the Blue Mountains.
I didn’t feel brilliant when I woke that day, but passed it off.
The first five kilometres were uneventful. It’s a beautiful run that starts just outside Katoomba, drops down to the Megalong Valley floor, then up 12 kilometres of winding track to the top of a ridge and on to Jenolan Caves. It’s 45 kilometres in all.
My friend Sue and I had run it a few times by then. We fell into a familiar pace and yapped about everything and nothing. Then we hit the 5 kilometre mark and I staggered a little. The best way to describe what it felt like is to picture the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote when he knows he’s about to die and the colour drains out of him, from top to bottom, leaving a grey outline. The energy just drained from me.
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