Father Mark White McCarrick
Title: OUR VIEW: The case is made for Father Mark White
Author: Editors
Publisher: Martinsville Bulletin
Date: 14NOV2020
We would surmise that Father Mark White experienced a day of atonement this week. We would guess that at the very least his priestly decorum must have been tested to some extent.
If you haven’t been following the story that began about a year ago and has played out through 2020, White was the priest of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Martinsville and St. Francis-Assisi in Rocky Mount who became the irritant of his bishop for outspoken comments on a very popular blog.
The Rev. Barry Knestout, the Bishop of Richmond, told White to stop his blog, especially comments about how the church, the Vatican and all its cardinal-clad clan were handling charges of sex abuse by priests.
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