Category: News


Kamala Harris Failed to Prosecute Priest Sex Abuse Cases Despite Victims’ Pleas

Kamala Harris Clergy Abuse Title: Kamala Harris Failed to Prosecute Priest Sex Abuse Cases Despite Victims’ Pleas Author: Dr. Susan Berry Publisher: Breitbart News Date: 12AUG2020 Joe Biden announced Tuesday he has chosen Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate, a person the presumptive Democrat nominee described as a “fearless fighter for the little

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Jeremy Leatherby: Details emerge of charges against excommunicated priest

Jeremy Leatherby excommunicated priest Title: Jeremy Leatherby: Details emerge of charges against excommunicated priest Author: Christopher Altieri Publisher: Catholic Herald Date: 12AUG2020 Readers should be advised that this story contains potentially disturbing details of sexual abuse allegations. The Catholic Herald has learned that the Sacramento priest excommunicated for schism earlier this month is accused of grave

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New lawsuit claims Ellwood priest molested siblings for years

Catholic Diocese Pittsburgh Lawsuit Title: New lawsuit claims Ellwood priest molested siblings for years Author: Chrissy Suttles Publisher: The Times Date: 12AUG2020 ELLWOOD CITY — A Pennsylvania man is suing the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh decades after he says he and his sister were sexually assaulted by a priest in Lawrence County. The complaint filed

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Paedophile priest Vincent Gerard Ryan has priestly faculties removed

Ryan Priestly Faculties Removed Title: Paedophile priest Vincent Gerard Ryan has priestly faculties removed Author: Giselle Wakatama Publisher: ABC News Date:  10AUG2020 The notorious paedophile priest Vincent Gerard Ryan will no longer be permitted to celebrate the sacraments or dress as a priest, after a decision to remove his priestly faculties. Key points: The 82-year-old

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Catholic order’s list of accused shows past of mishandling abuse allegations

Society of Mary Abuse Title: Catholic order’s list of accused shows past of mishandling abuse allegations Author: Josh Sweigart Publisher: Journal-News Date: 08AUG2020 A Journal-News investigation into the Society of Mary’s handling of alleged abuse of children by its members found the religious order concealed allegations against some from parents, students and school officials. The

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Questions of abuse cover-up directed at incoming St. Louis archbishop, but details unclear

Archbishop Rozanski Cover Up? Title: Questions of abuse cover-up directed at incoming St. Louis archbishop, but details unclear Author: Kevin Jones Publisher: Catholic News Agency Date: 07AUG2020 Denver Newsroom, Aug 7, 2020 / 05:21 pm MT (CNA).- Archbishop-designate Mitchell Rozanski is set to take over the Archdiocese of St. Louis, after heading the Diocese of

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Lay group urges Pittsburgh Diocese to do more to restore broken trust

Pittsburgh Diocese Broken Trust Title: Lay group urges Pittsburgh Diocese to do more to restore broken trust Author: Madeleine Davison Publisher: National Catholic Reporter Date: 07AUG2020 The Pittsburgh Diocese is reeling from declining attendance and a massive restructuring program two years after a 2018 Pennsylvania grand jury report uncovered widespread clerical sexual abuse in six

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Waiting for the McCarrick Report

Waiting For McCarrick Report Title: Waiting for the McCarrick Report Author: Stephen P. White Publisher: The Catholic Thing Date: 06AUG2020 NY’s Cardinal Dolan held an online held a video conference for the clergy Tuesday and said that his sources tell him that the McCarrick report will be out later this month. He said he does not

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Pope says fighting clerical abuse fosters deeper respect for life

Pope Fighting Clerical Abuse Title: Pope says fighting clerical abuse fosters deeper respect for life Author: Ines San Martin Publisher: Crux Date: 06AUG2020 ROSARIO, Argentina – Beyond the obvious reasons to fight clerical sexual abuse, above all the damage such abuse inflicts on victims, Pope Francis has added another argument: The effort to prevent abuse,

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Judge: Lawsuit over alleged clergy abuse can go ahead in Hancock County

Wheeling Charleston Clergy Abuse Title: Judge: Lawsuit over alleged clergy abuse can go ahead in Hancock County Author: Joselyn King Publisher: The Weirton Daily Times Date: 06AUG2020 NEW CUMBERLAND — A request by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to dismiss a lawsuit alleging sexual assault by the Rev. Victor Frobas has been denied in Hancock County

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