
Clergy sex abuse survivors and whistleblower priests join together for healing and worship

Whistleblower Priests Clergy Abuse

Title: Clergy sex abuse survivors and whistleblower priests join together for healing and worship
Author: Kimberly Curth
Date: 24FEB2021

NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – Survivors and whistleblower priests are joining together in an unconventional way. They’ve found common ground in their personal experiences speaking out about clergy sexual abuse while continuing their fight for transparency from the church.

On Sunday mornings, you will find a sanctuary for survivors. It’s a private mass that doesn’t take place within church walls.

“Yes, it is a strange experience after so many years presiding and celebrating Eucharist, not to be able to be with the people in the church and behind the altar,” said whistleblower priest, Father Ryszard Biernat.

“We deal with betrayal a lot as victims and survivors so there was the thought of betraying other victims who have completely cut themselves off from the Catholic religion, so we decided to grow it organically,” said survivor Mark Vath.

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